There is a difference between who you are and what has happened to you.

In Person & Online Somatic Therapy and Counselling
Life is made up of millions of little moments and experiences. Many will pass by unnoticed while others leave behind a lasting impression that can ripple through our lives for years.
When life events wear us down we can start to feel disconnected from ourselves, our bodies and important relationships.
During these times we all deserve a space to heal and unwind; to connect with someone who will show up with empathy, and help us to navigate the connection between our stories, emotions and bodies.
What does somatic therapy help with?
Getting more in touch with your own emotions.
Processing and releasing major life events or trauma.
Having deeper and more meaningful relationships.
Creating safe boundaries for yourself.
Having new tools, encouragement and someone to listen.
“Only when we’re brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light”
- Brene Brown
Identifying Trauma in Your Body
Trauma has many faces. It can emerge from a powerful event or it can be the result of repeated emotional experiences—in our infancy, childhood or as adults.
Once the immediate threat has passed, your body and nervous system will store the memory so that your internal protection system can better recognize and respond to unsafe environments in the future.
This is how trauma can have lasting effect on your sense of self and safety in the world.

About Michelle
Michelle is based out of Nelson, British Columbia. She offers therapy to individuals who are struggling with life issues like trauma, anxiety and depression and who want to better understand the true nature of their relationship dynamics.
Her body-based approach integrates current science in neurobiology, attachment and physiology to help you
navigate the connection between your stories, emotions, and the way those past experiences show up in your body.
Michelle's Somatic approach is informed from the field of Bodynamics out of Europe and Somatic Experiencing in North America. This is a pioneering model by a leading expert in Canada who trains master level therapists in the SRDR model of Developmental Shock Trauma Resolution. Her commitment to training, mentorships and lifelong learning supports the people that work with her.